Savvas Social Studies High School Curriculum

History is more than the story of past events—it’s the chronicle of people, their decisions, emotions, and viewpoints.

Savvas Social Studies brings a modern lens to history based on the C3 Framework. Students explore history from multiple perspectives and gain valuable inquiry skills for college, careers, and civic responsibility.


Select Your High School Social Studies Program

US History Interactive

US History Interactive renders key historical moments relevant to 21st Century students through multiple perspectives, primary sources, background reading, and immersion-based activities.

World History Interactive

World History Interactive captivates students' interest in history by immersing them in primary source documents, engaging them with real-world Connections to Today, teaching skills-based content, and providing immersive digital experiences.

Magruder’s American Government Interactive

Magruder’s American Government Interactive is a trusted classic with a rich 100-year publishing history. This innovative edition keeps students informed about the latest policies, debates, issues, and elections with continuously updated content.  

Economics: Principles in Action

Economics is a flexible, differentiated, student-centered program with robust teacher support. It engages students by connecting headlines to their everyday lives.


Multilingual Social Studies Programs

Explore embedded strategies and tools that support English Learners in Social Studies

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