Education & Training Career Cluster

Courses in the Education & Training career cluster from Savvas prepare students for rewarding careers in teaching, training, or school support services. These CTE courses help students explore job opportunities at public or private schools at every level: from Pre-K through high school, as well as higher education.
Discover a career in the Education & Training career cluster.

Savvas CTE Education & Training Courses (Formerly Pointful Education)

Career Exploration

Early Childhood Education I

Early Childhood Education II

Education & Teaching Advanced

Teaching as a Profession

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Prepare your students for college and career success. All with one solution.

Whether you want to empower your students to explore potential careers, prepare for college, or become certified professionals, it’s easy to do it all with Savvas PathMaker. Simply mix and match dual enrollment courses and CTE courses from our comprehensive catalog to create personalized pathways for every student.

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Mix and match to build your perfect career pathways:

Savvas PathMaker
Example Pathway What students learn What students earn
IT Associate Networking
Cybersecurity 1
Professional Communication *
Cisco Certified Network Associate
Aerospace Technology Aeronautics and Space Travel
Drones: Remote Pilot
FAA Part 107 Commercial Drone Pilot
3 college credits
Digital Marketing Meta® Social Media Marketing *
Adobe InDesign®
Professional Communication *
Meta® Certified Digital Marketing Associate
Adobea® Certified Professional in Print & Digital Media Publication using Adobe InDesigna®
3 college credits
Savvas CTE
* Outlier by Savvas Dual Enrollment