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Explore SuccessMaker Math
Provide Every K-8 Student with Personalized Adaptive Learning to Boost Math Growth
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See How SuccessMaker Math Personalizes Learning for Every Student
Ready to accelerate achievement for all learners?
SuccessMaker® Math is an online personalized learning system that supports math growth from Kindergarten through Grade 8.
Designed to supplement core mathematics instruction in just an hour each week, SuccessMaker provides continuously adaptive differentiation, acceleration, and intervention that’s proven effective for all students!
Complete the form on this page for a guided tour of SuccessMaker Math, as well as access to samples of targeted lessons.
Watch the brief video below to learn how SuccessMaker Math helps all students grow their math skills and math confidence, regardless of whether they’re performing below, at, or above grade level.
Why choose SuccessMaker Math?
- Online, personalized math instruction that’s as unique as every student
- Just an hour of usage every week can lead to a year’s worth of growth (20 minutes per day, 3-5 times per week)
- Game-like environment places students into the program at their individual just-right starting place, then continually adapts to deliver the right targeted scaffolding, practice, or enrichment each student needs, right when they need it
- Flexible implementation options: before or after school, 1:1, small groups, centers, computer labs, and more
- Unparalleled English Learner support, with translations available in more than 60 languages
- Teachers receive up-to-the minute instructional insights on student mastery and growth