NAEP Results Highlight the Successes of Urban School Districts Using enVision® Mathematics


Across the nation, urban school districts face unique challenges in driving student achievement. These districts often serve large, highly diverse student populations from varying socio-economic and cultural backgrounds, which can make it challenging for classroom teachers to support all learners.

However, the large sizes of these districts also present an opportunity to scale successful instructional strategies, effective teaching pedagogies, and new educational approaches.

It’s for these reasons that about every other year for the past two decades, a number of large, urban districts from across the nation participate in a congressionally funded program called the Trial Urban District Assessment (TUDA).

What Is TUDA?

While the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), known as The Nation’s Report Card, assesses student progress nationally, the goal of TUDA is to focus attention on urban education and academic achievement in urban school districts based on NAEP results.

The TUDA program, which for the 2024 NAEP tests included 26 districts, provides crucial data for evaluating instructional effectiveness in urban schools. TUDA is valuable for comparing progress in urban districts because participating districts share key characteristics, such as similar demographic profiles and economic challenges. This consistency allows for meaningful comparisons of student performance and the impact of different educational programs.

enVision Mathematics and Math Achievement in Urban Districts

In recent years, data collected through TUDA has shown that one educational math program has stood out as a transformative factor for student achievement with NAEP scores: enVision® Mathematics Grades K-5.

Used successfully by many participating TUDA districts, enVision Mathematics has demonstrated efficacy, showing increased student achievement in both NAEP average scores and performance-level distribution (at or above basic and at or above proficient).

Here’s how enVision is making an impact:

Greater Growth in NAEP Math Scores

On average, between 2022 and 2024, TUDA districts using enVision K-5 district-wide saw more growth in 4th grade math NAEP scores than those using other math programs.

Average 4th grade math NAEP score for enVision Math.

More Growth in Students Who Score At or Above Basic

Between 2022 and 2024, TUDA districts using enVision K-5 district-wide saw a larger increase in the percentage of 4th grade students at or above basic in math on NAEP, meaning they have some mastery of fundamental knowledge and skills necessary for proficient work at this grade level.

Percentage of 4th grade students at or above basic according to NAEP for enVision-using school districts

Why enVision Mathematics K-5 Works

The success of enVision Mathematics can be attributed to its many features that are intentionally designed to support all learners through:

  • Data-Driven Instruction: Teachers gain valuable insights through embedded assessments, allowing for targeted interventions that drive growth.
  • Differentiation and Personalization: enVision adapts to meet the needs of diverse learners, ensuring that every student has the support they need to succeed with multi-tiers of support.
  • Problem-Based Learning: Students engage in real-world problem-solving, making math meaningful and compelling and deepening students’ conceptual understanding of the mathematical concepts.

Transforming Math Education in Urban Schools

The success of enVision K-5 in TUDA districts highlights the power of engaging, high-quality, standards-based curriculum to increase student math achievement. By providing evidence-based instructional materials, enVision is helping schools close skills gaps and build strong mathematical foundations for all students.

enVision K-5 empowers educators and students in urban districts nationwide, proving that with the right tools and support, every student can excel in mathematics.


enVision Mathematics®

K-5 Math Curriculum with Proven Efficacy