World History Interactive – World History Curriculum

History is more than the story of past events—it’s the chronicle of people, their decisions, emotions, and viewpoints. Our award-winning World History Interactives brings a modern lens to history, based on the C3 Framework. Students explore history from multiple perspectives and gain valuable inquiry skills for college, careers, and civic responsibility.

World History Interactive is a modern world history curriculum promoting inquiry–based learning.

Modern World History Curriculum

World History Interactive renders key historical moments relevant to 21st Century students through multiple perspectives; engaging primary sources, background reading, and immersion-based activities.

Student using World History Interactive high school World History curriculum.

Empower students to see themselves and their world through past historical chapters.

Resources like Hook & Inspire Connections to Today, Quest Inquires, Project Imagine’s immersive activities, and multimedia teacher resource libraries help create connections to today’s issues and events.

World History Interactive high school World History curriculum supports all students with differentiated instruction.

Support all learners with differentiated resources and strategies.

World History Interactive features built-in resources to assist all students with challenging content. Savvas Realize Reader eTexts embed read-aloud audio and leveled lesson summaries The Teacher Edition offers scaffolding tools like ELL support and differentiated instructional resources.


Contextualize Learning with Immersive Activities.

Available through the digital World History Interactive program, Project Imagine’s unique primary sources and immersive activities  build contextual knowledge and socio-emotional understanding.


Continually updated digital content & activities boost student engagement.

World History Interactive helps students continually make connections to real-world, compelling topics. Through immersive activities like role-plays, 360-degree virtual walks, and investigative Quest topic assignments to begin units, students can experience key points in history through the eyes of the people who lived it.

World History Curriculum Featured Content

  • Connections to Today
  • Differentiate Content
  • Animate History

Connect students’ modern lives to historical stories.

  • Spark inquiry
    Spark inquiry for students with an Essential Question for each topic.
  • Make history personal
    Make history personal with My Story Video for students, available on Realize.
  • Current events for every topic
    Listenwise® resource features current events for every topic and new podcasts every day.
  • Cultivate civic responsibility
    Cultivate civic responsibility. At the end of every topic, students Take Action on what they’ve learned.
  • Hook & Inspire!
    Go online to access Hook & Inspire! Connections to Today, designed to connect the past and the present via pop culture, media, music, films, and more.

Differentiated content and instructional resources.

  • Magazine-style print Student Edition
    The magazine-style Student Edition won’t overwhelm students. It comes to life in the Realize Reader™ eText, with digital highlighting and annotation tools.
  • Easy-to-read highlights
    The lesson summaries (available in Spanish and English) with audio are easy-to-read highlights for students to review or preview content.
  • Leveled lesson summaries
    For struggling readers, the leveled lesson summary (available in Spanish and English) is written two reading levels below.
  • Easily searchable digital resources

    Savvas Realize® offers a treasure trove of additional, easily searchable digital resources to customize your lessons and create multi-media assignment playlists. Choose from graphic organizers, supreme court cases, primary sources, biographies, atlases, and more.


Rich primary sources, inquiry-based lessons, and immersive activities.

  • Supports the C3 Framework
    Each topic helps to foster curiosity by opening with a Quest Topic Inquiry that uses primary sources and supports the C3 Framework. Quest activities include whole-class discussions, document-based writing assessments, and project-based learning.
  • Close reading strategies
    A Primary Source and Reading Guide workbook includes close reading strategies for both the textbook and primary sources.
  • Comparing Viewpoints
    Comparing Viewpoints pairs primary sources together around one event.
  • Project Imagine® immersive activities
    Project Imagine® immersive activities enable students to take on the role of a person in history and experience how historical events affect ordinary people’s lives.

New Digital Technologies for K-12 Ecosystem

Engaging content and time-saving classroom management tools come together in the teacher-friendly Savvas Realize LMS, included with your program.

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Savvas Realize® brings our award-winning content to life in an exciting digital experience that students love.  For teachers and admins,  it includes valuable classroom-management tools like auto-rostering, single-sign-on, and available integrations with many top K-12 LMSs.

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A next-generation learning solution that provides an all-inclusive, one-year digital license to our most popular Math, Literacy, Science, and Social Studies national K–12 programs.

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Multilingual Social Studies Programs

Explore embedded strategies and tools that support English Learners in Social Studies

World History Interactive Program Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the World History Interactive program?
    World History Interactive for grades 9-12 is a print and digital student-centered program with robust teacher support. They focus on engaging students by connecting historic content to students’ lives today, a foundation of inquiry-based learning, engaging digital activities, and more.
  • What is available to purchase?

    The program is made up of the following components:

    • Student Edition (digital or print) features a magazine-style layout to increase readability with a 50/50 text-to-visual balance. The digital student edition has embedded leveled lesson summaries to meet the needs of all students.
    • Teacher’s Edition (digital or print) includes wrap-around pages that provide direct instruction and teaching suggestions to engage students. Planning pages for each topic and lesson make implementation and pacing easy for teachers. Also includes Active Classroom Strategies and ELL/SEL support.
    • Interactive Digital Courses, hosted on Savvas Realize™, include robust digital tools that give teachers flexibility to use a digital, print, or blended format in their classrooms. Teachers can customize the program to rearrange content, upload their own content, add links to online media, and edit resources and assessments.
    • Primary Source and Reading Guide Workbook (in print or digital) contains multiple primary sources per topic for additional analysis, as well as worksheets for each lesson designed to help students’ reading comprehension.
  • Is the World History Interactive program inquiry based?
    U.S. & World History Interactive are built on the C3 Framework for inquiry in social studies. Each topic and lesson follows the Connect-Investigate-Synthesize-Demonstrate learning model. Each topic also contains a Quest Topic Inquiry assignment, featuring project-based assessment such as civic discussion, document-based writing, or a team project.
  • What differentiation support is available in the World History Interactive program?
    The program contains lesson summaries in English and Spanish at two different reading levels. The Realize Reader eText contains a leveled lesson summary with audio at point of use within each lesson. Topic Tests are also delivered at three different levels. In addition, teachers can assign short lesson-flipped video summaries to visual and auditory learners.
  • How do I sign up for a digital demo of World History Interactive?
    Click here to sign up for a demo.