Magruder's American Government Interactive High School Government Curriculum

For over 100 years, Magruder’s American Government Interactive has been the premier high school textbook for its discipline. This innovative new edition now becomes the first high school program that is continuously updated and designed to reflect current political events. This program also features:

  • A magazine-style student edition
  • Challenging curricula to help students become active citizens
  • A wealth of leveled readings and differentiated resources
  • Connections between foundational principles and present-day events

Build Citizenship Skills with the New U.S. Government Program

Magruder’s American Government Interactive is the classic that’s always up to date! It’s revolutionary! 


A continually updated American Government curriculum

Magruder’s American Government Interactive will be updated online every year. Current Connections digital activities keep students informed about the latest policy debates, history, and civics.


Student Edition builds foundational skills.

Students will experience the story of government and develop citizenship skills in different ways, from different sources. Digital activities are updated annually to keep students informed about the latest political developments.


Case Studies and daily current events podcasts help students focus on current issues

Relevant case studies help students explore current issues and investigate their connection to government topics through primary sources. Current events podcasts give teachers new conversation starters for class discussions. 

Magruder's New High School Government Program

  • Current Connections
  • Differentiated Content
  • College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework
  • Updated Digital Content and Activities
Current Connections digital activities keep students informed about the latest policy debates, history, and civics.
  • Help facilitate a meaningful dialogue
    Help facilitate a meaningful dialogue with synthesis activities rooted in current content.
  • Spark inquiry for students
    Spark inquiry for students with an Essential Question for each topic.
  • Make history personal
    Make history personal with exclusive NBC Learn™ My Story Videos for students.
  • Access premium content Listenwise® current events
    Access premium Listenwise® current events for every topic and get new podcasts every day.
  • Cultivate civic responsibility
    Cultivate civic responsibility: At the end of every topic, students Take Action on what they’ve learned.
Differentiated content, leveled readings, and active-classroom resources help you reach all your students.
  • Magazine-style print Student Edition
    Magazine-style print Student Edition won’t overwhelm students. Realize Reader™ eText includes digital translation to over 100 languages, highlighting, annotation tools, and more.
  • Engaging new virtual experiences
    Engaging new virtual experiences make government come alive from the pages of a textbook.
  • Lesson summaries
    The lesson summaries with audio are easy-to-read highlights for students to review or preview content.
  • Leveled lesson summaries
    For struggling readers, the leveled lesson summary
  • Remediated Lesson Quizzes
    Remediated Lesson Quizzes help test students’ knowledge of the content.
Rich primary sources, inquiry-based lessons, and immersive activities connect to the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework and animate American Government for students.
  • Quest Inquiry Center
    Quest Inquiry Center activities align to the C3 Framework and help students to become active and informed citizens.
  • Close reading strategies
    A Primary Source and Reading Guide workbook includes close reading strategies for both the textbook and primary sources.
  • Review guide at the end of each topic
    A review guide at the end of each topic engages students with infographics, recap key information, complete critical thinking questions, and practice answering document-based questions (DBQs).
  • Current Connections
    Current Connections digital activities keep students informed about the latest policy debates, history, and civics–and help them synthesize newly learned ideas.
  • Case Study Connections
    Headlines connect to the past, and to students’ daily lives through Case Study Connections.  Annually updated!
  • Updated digital activities
    Never miss an election update or important political milestone again! The program’s digital activities are routinely updated to reflect changing political policies, legislation, and attitudes over time.

Develop Social and Civic Competencies


Essential Questions

Essential Questions introduce new ideas and challenge students to better understand how enduring American government issues are still relevant today.



Magruder’s American Government Interactive engages students by connecting key foundational concepts of American government with students’ lives and modern politics.

New Digital Technologies for K-12 Ecosystem

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Savvas Realize brings our award-winning content to life in an exciting digital experience that students love. For teachers and admins, it includes valuable classroom-management tools like auto-rostering, single-sign-on, and available integrations with many top K-12 LMSs.

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A next-generation learning solution that provides an all-inclusive, one-year digital license to our most popular Math, Literacy, Science, and Social Studies national K–12 programs.


Multilingual Social Studies Programs

Explore embedded strategies and tools that support English Learners in Social Studies

Magruder’s American Government Interactive Program Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Magruder’s American Government Interactive?
    Magruder’s American Government Interactive for grades 9-12 is a print and digital student-centered program.
  • What is available to purchase in Magruder’s American Government Interactive?

    The program includes the following components:

    • Student Edition: (digital or print) features a magazine-style layout to increase readability, with a 50/50 text-to-visual balance. The digital student edition has embedded leveled lesson summaries to meet the needs of all students.
    • Teacher’s Edition (digital or print): includes wrap-around pages that provide direct instruction and teaching suggestions to engage students. Planning pages for each topic and lesson make implementation and pacing easy for teachers. Also includes Active Classroom Strategies and ELL/SEL support.
    • Interactive Digital Course: hosted on Savvas Realize®, include robust digital tools that give teachers flexibility to use a digital, print, or blended format in their classrooms. Teachers can customize the program to rearrange content, upload their own content, add links to online media, and edit resources and assessments.
    • Primary Source and Reading Guide Workbook: Available in digital and print, this workbook contains multiple primary sources and Supreme Court cases per topic for additional analysis, as well as worksheets for each lesson designed to help students’ reading of the student text.
  • Is Magruder’s American Government Interactive inquiry based?
    Magruder’s American Government Interactive is built on the C3 Framework for inquiry in social studies. Each topic and lesson follows the Connect-Investigate-Synthesize-Demonstrate learning model. Quest Topic Inquiry features project-based assessment such as civic discussion, document-based writing, or a team project. The teacher’s edition also includes active classroom strategies, which are low-prep, high-impact ways to add inquiry into your classroom.
  • Does Magruder’s American Government Interactive update after an election?
    Yes! Magruder’s American Government Interactive is designed to constantly provide you with the latest information about American government. The Realize Digital Course contains resources like Current Connections digital activities, which use real-world headlines in the classroom and inspire students to deepen their understanding of the world’s current issues and events.Your student edition is designed to be a foundational resource, so it will never be out of date.
  • What differentiation support is available in Magruder’s American Government Interactive?
    This program contains lesson summaries in English and Spanish, at two different reading levels. The Realize Reader eText contains a leveled lesson summary with audio at point of use within each lesson. Topic Tests are also delivered at three different levels. In addition, teachers can assign short lesson-flipped video summaries to visual and auditory learners.