Multilingual Learner and English Learner Solutions
Discover how our solutions empower educators to help multilingual learners strengthen their English-language skills across a range of academic disciplines.
What are Multilingual Learners (MLLs)?
In general, the term Multilingual Learners describes students who are learning in more than one language. In some states, this term is used broadly to describe all students learning multiple languages, including English-only students who are working toward proficiency in one or more world languages, whereas other states may use the term only to describe students who are working toward proficiency in English.
Multilingual Learners is an umbrella term that includes English Learners (also called English Language Learners), who are students who are developing proficiency in English.
As a group, Multilingual Learners represent a rich variety of rich linguistic backgrounds, abilities, learning stages, and strengths.
Solutions for Teaching English to Multilingual Learners
The SIOP® Model is a research-based lesson planning framework that makes grade-level content accessible for multilingual learners while developing their English proficiency.
Savvas is the only organization endorsed by the SIOP Authors to provide SIOP® Professional Learning. Savvas SIOP® workshops reflect clear fidelity to the SIOP® Model through our exclusive collaboration with the SIOP Authors.
Built specifically for the secondary student, iLitELL accelerates the reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills of all English learners, from newcomers to experienced multilingual learners.
With 180 lessons for English learners and 65 newcomer-specific lessons, iLitELL meets multilingual learners where they are and builds language and literacy from there — independent research shows students make two years of reading growth in one year!
Bilingual Learners and Biliteracy
In some states and districts, the term Bilingual Learners is used to describe Multilingual Learners. Bilingual Learners may receive instruction in two different languages, often their first language and a second language they are developing proficiency in.
Biliteracy is the ability to communicate effectively in two or more languages. In many places, programs designed to develop biliteracy are referred to as biliterate, bilingual, or dual-language programs.
Solutions to Develop Spanish Literacy
K-5 Spanish Literacy
K-5 Spanish Phonics Practice
Pre-K Spanish
miVisión Lectura
Explore Program
Palabras a Su Paso
Palabras a Su Paso – Salón de Clases builds the phonics, spelling, and vocabulary skills of elementary students using Spanish orthographic principles. Based on the hands-on Words Their Way approach to sound, picture, and word sorting, Palabras a Su Paso offers an equitable solution perfect for K-5 bilingual or biliteracy classes.
Explore Program
Uno, dos, tres Prekínder
Explore Program
What are Bilingual Learning Programs?
Bilingual learning programs describe a system where students are taught in two languages, typically their first language and a second language where they are working to achieve proficiency.
Bilingual learning programs include Transitional and Developmental Bilingual programs, which provide instruction in a student's first language. Often, the goal of these programs is to support students’ development of academic language and achievement in their first language while they are working to achieve proficiency in an additional language.
For example, a student whose first language is Spanish may receive math instruction in Spanish, empowering them to build grade-level mathematical proficiency while they are working towards English proficiency. In many cases, the goal of these programs is to eventually transition students to English-language instruction.
Bilingual Solutions in Spanish for English Learners
Social Studies
Solutions for Teaching Math in Spanish
enVision Mathematics K-5enVision® Mathematics is grounded in problem-based and visual learning to create fun and engaging environments that invite inquiry and discovery. Students who learn in Spanish have access to meaningful lesson materials in Spanish in print and digitally. The Spanish Teacher Companion supports the facilitation of lessons in Spanish. Visit enVision’s virtual sampling to view Spanish samples.
enVision Mathematics 6-8enVision® Mathematics offers a unique combination of problem-based learning and visual learning to develop conceptual understanding. Students who learn in Spanish have access to meaningful lesson materials in Spanish in print and digitally. enVision materials support all students learning the language of mathematics. Visit enVision’s virtual sampling to view Spanish samples.
Experience Math K-5Experience Math offers Multilingual Learners an equitable learning experience in print and digitally. All student-facing materials are translated into Spanish, including the print Student Experience Book. Visit Experience Math’s virtual sampling to view the Spanish overview.
Experience Math 6-8Experience Math offers Multilingual Learners an equitable learning experience in print and digitally. All student-facing materials are translated into Spanish, including the print Student Experience Book. Visit Experience Math’s virtual sampling to view the Spanish overview.
enVision A|G|AenVision A|G|A has newly added materials in Spanish for Geometry and Algebra 2, joining the Algebra 1 offerings. Students who learn in Spanish will now have access to Spanish materials for all three courses ensuring college and career readiness. Visit virtual sampling to view Spanish samples.
Solutions for Teaching Science in Spanish
Experience Science K-5Experience Science™ brings grades K-5 science concepts to life, creating dynamic, motivating, and interactive learning environments. This hands-on, station-based science curriculum is flexible enough to fit into any classroom situation.
elevateScience K-8
The elevateScience® K-8 science curriculum is built around the “doing of science” to explore local and global science phenomena. Create a science curriculum that encourages active learning through storylines, lab activities, and science quests.
elevateScience supports teaching the Next Generation Science Standards. Students investigate phenomena, engineer solutions, and demonstrate their understanding of key concepts. elevateScience connects the heart of science knowledge with the science of ”doing.”
Miller & Levine BiologyMiller & Levine Biology is the best-selling blended science curriculum that immerses students in inquiry, so they think, investigate, and talk about biology. A wide array of support resources fosters engagement and success in the class.
Solutions for Teaching Social Studies in Spanish
miMundo Interactivo K-5miMundo Interactivo K-5 social studies encourages students to explore their world, expand their thinking, and engage in inquiry and civic engagement. Student and Teacher Edition texts, plus a variety of online videos, songs, and activities, are all available in Spanish.
miMundo Interactivo Geography Middle GradesmiMundo Interactivo Geography is built on inquiry, strong literacy connections, civic action, and active engagement for students. Student text, Active Journal, and online resources are available in Spanish.
miMundo Interactivo American History Middle GradesmiMundo Interactivo American History is built on inquiry, strong literacy connections, civic action, and active engagement for students. Student text, Active Journal, and online resources are available in Spanish.
miMundo Interactivo World History Middle GradesmiMundo World History is built on inquiry, strong literacy connections, civic action, and active engagement for students. Student text, Active Journal, and online resources are available in Spanish.
Multilingual Learner Support in Every Classroom
In many cases, Multilingual Learners have a level of proficiency in English that allows them to receive primary instruction in English. However, these students often benefit from language scaffolding and supports to help them access and meet the academic demands of grade-level content.
Savvas provides core and supplemental programs that include embedded supports to help educators scaffold instruction for Multilingual Learners in their classrooms.
Solutions with Embedded Supports for English Learners
Social Studies
Literacy Solutions with Embedded Supports
Three Cheers for Pre-KThree Cheers for Pre-K is an engaging Pre-Kindergarten curriculum where learning is initiated through skills-based experiences and purposeful play structured around quality children's literature.
myView Literacy K-5myView® Literacy is a K-5 evidence-based ELA curriculum that empowers teachers and transforms students. Grounded in the Science of Reading, myView's explicit and systematic daily foundational skills instruction boosts student achievement and develops strong readers and writers.
myPerspectives ELA 6-8myPerspectives® provides English Language development support in both receptive and productive aspects of language and includes targeted instruction, strategies, and multilingual learner resources for all students. From teaching suggestions aligned to WIDA® to a digital Language Coach with on-the-spot word and sentence level support to Bridge Texts with audio and a translation tool for 100+ languages, myPerspectives enables students to access complex texts and acquire the language skills needed for college and career success.
Words Their Way Classroom K-5Words Their Way Classroom® provides personalized phonics practice through interactive picture, sound, and word sorts. Teacher materials provide embedded scaffolding that supports multilingual learners in developing their skills in English phonics, spelling, and vocabulary.
SuccessMaker Reading K-8Designed for students with at least intermediate proficiency in English, SuccessMaker® Reading is a K-8 adaptive personalized learning program proven to accelerate literacy achievement for all students. Embedded scaffolding includes robust first language support, with translations available in more than 60 languages for guided and independent practice.
Math Solutions with Embedded Supports
enVision Mathematics K-5Support for English language learners is embedded in enVision Mathematics® throughout lessons. These WIDA-aligned resources allow students daily opportunities to develop and use their language acquisition within the context of lessons. The program’s Language Support Handbook offers activities developed to explicitly foster the development of language and communication needed for multilingual learners to understand and apply grade level mathematical concepts. Visit enVision’s virtual sampling to view program materials with embedded supports for English Learners.
enVision Mathematics 6-8Support for English language learners is embedded in enVision Mathematics® throughout lessons. These WIDA-aligned resources allow students daily opportunities to develop and use their language acquisition within the context of lessons. The program’s Language Support Handbook offers activities developed to explicitly foster the development of language and communication needed for multilingual learners to understand and apply grade level mathematical concepts. Visit enVision’s virtual sampling to view program materials with embedded supports for English Learners.
Experience Math K-5Experience Math offers embedded teacher support to help Multilingual Learners understand vocabulary, mathematical ideas, and concepts in context throughout instruction. Point of use, embedded differentiation strategies provide diversified scaffolding to meet the needs of all Multilingual Learners. Visit Experience Math’s virtual sampling to view the Spanish overview.
Experience Math 6-8Experience Math offers embedded teacher support to help Multilingual Learners understand vocabulary, mathematical ideas, and concepts in context throughout instruction. Point of use, embedded differentiation strategies provide diversified scaffolding to meet the needs of all Multilingual Learners. Visit Experience Math’s virtual sampling to view the Spanish overview.
enVision A|G|ASupport for English language learners is embedded in enVision A|G|A throughout lessons. These WIDA-aligned resources allow students daily opportunities to develop and use their language acquisition within the context of lessons. virtual samplingenVision A|G|A’s Visit to view program materials with embedded supports for English Learners.
enVision Integrated MathematicsSupport for English language learners is embedded in enVision Integrated Mathematics throughout lessons. These resources allow students daily opportunities to develop and use their language acquisition within the context of lessons. Visit enVision Integrated Mathematics’ virtual sampling to view program materials with embedded supports for English Learners.
SuccessMaker Math K-8An adaptive personalized learning program proven to accelerate math achievement for all students, SuccessMaker® Math makes math concepts accessible to English learners with robust first language support. Translations are available in more than 60 languages!
SuccessMaker: Foundations of High School MathSuccessMaker®: Foundations of High School Math provides personalized adaptive intervention for high school students who haven’t yet mastered all the prerequisite skills necessary for success in classes like Algebra 1, Mathematics I, or Geometry. Translations are available in more than 60 languages!
Science Solutions with Embedded Supports
Experience Science K-5Experience Science™ brings grades K-5 science concepts to life, creating dynamic, motivating, and interactive learning environments. This hands-on, station-based science curriculum is flexible enough to fit into any classroom situation.
elevateScience K-8
The elevateScience® K-8 science curriculum is built around the “doing of science” to explore local and global science phenomena. Create a science curriculum that encourages active learning through storylines, lab activities, and science quests.
elevateScience supports teaching the Next Generation Science Standards. Students investigate phenomena, engineer solutions, and demonstrate their understanding of key concepts. elevateScience connects the heart of science knowledge with the science of ”doing.”
Miller & Levine BiologyMiller & Levine Biology is the best-selling blended science curriculum that immerses students in inquiry, so they think, investigate, and talk about biology. A wide array of support resources fosters engagement and success in the class.
Social Studies Solutions with Embedded Supports
myWorld Interactive K-5myWorld Interactive K-5 social studies encourages students to explore their world, expand their thinking, and engage in inquiry and civic engagement. Teacher materials provide embedded scaffolding that supports multilingual learners and many student-facing materials are also available in Spanish.
myWorld Interactive World GeographymyWorld Interactive World Geography is built on inquiry, strong literacy connections, civic action, and active engagement for students. Teacher materials provide embedded scaffolding that supports multilingual learners and many student-facing materials are also available in Spanish.
myWorld Interactive American HistorymyWorld Interactive American History is built on inquiry, strong literacy connections, civic action, and active engagement for students. Teacher materials provide embedded scaffolding that supports multilingual learners and many student-facing materials are also available in Spanish.
myWorld Interactive World HistorymyWorld Interactive World History is built on inquiry, strong literacy connections, civic action, and active engagement for students. Teacher materials provide embedded scaffolding that supports multilingual learners and many student-facing materials are also available in Spanish.
US History InteractiveOur award-winning U.S. History Interactive brings a modern lens to history, based on the C3 Framework. Teacher materials provide embedded scaffolding that supports multilingual learners. Translations are available in more than 60 languages!
World History InteractiveOur award-winning World History Interactive brings a modern lens to history, based on the C3 Framework. Teacher materials provide embedded scaffolding that supports multilingual learners. Translations are available in more than 60 languages!
Magruder’s American GovernmentFor over 100 years, Magruder’s American Government Interactive has been the premier high school textbook for its discipline. Teacher materials provide embedded scaffolding that supports multilingual learners. Translations are available in more than 60 languages!
Economics High SchoolSavvas Economics helps students build an essential, life-long understanding of core economics principles. Teacher materials provide embedded scaffolding that supports multilingual learners. Translations are available in more than 60 languages!
Featured School Stories
Paterson, NJ
Jefferson Co, AL
Paterson Public Schools
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Jefferson County Schools
Find out how educators at Jefferson County Public Schools are using the SIOP® Model — a popular, research-based teaching framework — to support their multi-language learners. By using this model to create a classroom culture where all the students engage in healthy discourse and actively participate in their learning, educators are able to support their non-English-speaking population without taking them out of the core curriculum, ultimately leading to accelerated graduation rates and increased math and reading scores.
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Multilingual Social Studies Programs
Explore embedded strategies and tools that support English Learners in Social Studies