Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach with Modern Physics 5e, AP Edition ©2022

Physics for Scientists and Engineers, published by Pearson, provides a focused curriculum for students pursuing a career in the sciences. The text uses familiar examples from everyday life to encourage conceptual and problem-solving skill development, as well as visualization.

  • A systematic, scaffolded approach that builds qualitative reasoning
  • New and expanded media and assessments
  • This program is accompanied by the Pearson Mastering® platform with eText

Modern AP® Physics Curriculum with Digital Resources

Incorporate Physics Education Research and cognitive science best practices into a robust AP® Physics program.


4-Step Problem-Solving Approach

Model/Visualize/Solve/Review. This framework structures how students work through problems in the text with detailed strategies to reach solutions for different topics and types of problems.


Promote a Deeper and Better-Connected Understanding

Looking Back Pointers refer students to a previous chapter and section when the information is relevant to the topic at hand for a broader perspective on the subject.


Visual Physics

Visual chapter summaries consolidate understanding by providing each concept in words, math, and figures and organizing these into a vertical hierarchy—from General Principles (top) to Applications (bottom).


Blended Solution

Mastering® Physics with Pearson eText is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools developed to engage students and emulate the office-hour experience.

AP® Physics Teaching Solutions

  • Skills and Confidence Development
  • Creating a Holistic Picture of Physics
  • Trusted Content
  • Resources for Learner Empowerment

Skills and Confidence Development

  • Tactics Boxes
    Tactics Boxes appear throughout the text to provide specific examples of critical skills with step-by-step instructions students can then apply to later problems
  • Updated Worked Examples
    Updates to the Worked Examples follow the 4-step strategy and include detailed explanations of the underlying principles that connect physics to everyday life.
  • Model Boxes
    Model Boxes analyze a complex, real-world situation through idealizations that can be applied in later problems.

Creating a Holistic Picture of Physics

  • Enhanced Chapter Previews
    Enhanced Chapter Previews address questions students will likely have as they encounter new concepts. These cover the important ideas and provide a high-level perspective on the key principles of each chapter.
  • Visual Chapter Summaries
    Visual Chapter Summaries combine text, math, and figures to create a vertical hierarchy that consolidates understanding.
  • Online anytime–digital resources
    Shift to online anytime–digital resources like podcasts, videos, and graphs offer amazing ways for students to delve into new social studies topics.
  • Teacher and Student Support

    Includes teacher and student support, in the text and online video modules, for implementing project-based learning.


Trusted Content

  • End-of-Chapter Questions
    Numerous end-of-chapter questions have been updated to provide wrong-answer feedback, and end-of-chapter problem sets push students to use more physics and math skills to reach a solution.
  • Open-Ended Questions
    Additional open-ended questions help students and teachers identify difficult areas and targets for “just-in-time” instruction to keep everyone on track.
  • Dynamic Study Modules
    New Dynamic Study Modules pose questions that adapt to each student’s performance then offer personalized, targeted feedback, so everyone in class can participate meaningfully.

Resources for Learner Empowerment

  • Interactive Prelecture Videos
    New Interactive Prelecture Videos introduce key topics and assess students’ understanding so teachers know what to focus on in class.
  • Passage and Physics Problems
    A blend of 140 new passage problems and physics problems combine the subject with biology to align with the 2015 MCAT exam based on the Foundational Concepts and Content Categories from the Association of American Medical Colleges.
  • Direct Measurement Videos
    Direct Measurement Videos can be assigned through Mastering to show students physical phenomena in action. With the grid, ruler, and frame counter overlays, accurate measurements can be taken that help solve problems or answer questions after the video.

Take a Deeper Look at Physics for Scientists and Engineers.



Get to know Physics for Scientists and Engineers AP® Edition with Mastering® Physics with Pearson eText

Online Platform for your AP® Physics Curriculum


Pearson Mastering® Physics provides teachers and students flexibility and robust resources that individualize learning and help foster success.

Correlations for AP®

Our solutions for AP® are designed to support and correlate the College Board's Course and Exam Descriptions for each corresponding course.

AP® Physics C: Mechanics   AP® Physics C: Electricity and Magnesium

More About Physics for Scientists and Engineers

  • Table of Contents

    I. Newton’s Laws
    1. Concepts of Motion
    2. Kinematics in One Dimension
    3. Vectors and Coordinate Systems
    4. Kinematics in Two Dimensions
    5. Force and Motion
    6. Dynamics I: Motion Along a Line
    7. Newton’s Third Law
    8. Dynamics II: Motion in a Plane

    II. Conservation Laws
    9. Work and Kinetic Energy
    10. Interactions and Potential Energy
    11. Impulse and Momentum

    III. Applications of Newtonian Mechanics

    12. Rotation of a Rigid Body
    13. Newton’s Theory of Gravity
    14. Fluids and Elasticity

    IV. Oscillations and Waves
    15. Oscillations
    16. Traveling Waves
    17. Superposition

    V. Thermodynamics
    18. A Macroscopic Description of Matter
    19. Work, Heat, and the First Law of Thermodynamics
    20. The Micro/Macro Connection
    21. Heat Engines and Refrigerators

    VI. Electricity and Magnetism
    22. Electric Charges and Forces
    23. The Electric Field
    24. Gauss’s Law
    25. The Electric Potential
    26. Potential and Field
    27. Current and Resistance
    28. Fundamentals of Circuits
    29. The Magnetic Field
    30. Electromagnetic Induction
    31. Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
    32. AC Circuits

    VII. Optics
    33. Wave Optics
    34. Ray Optics
    35. Optical Instruments

    VIII. Relativity and Quantum Physics
    36. Relativity
    37. The Foundations of Modern Physics
    38. Quantization
    39. Wave Functions and Uncertainty
    40. One-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics
    41. Atomic Physics
    42. Nuclear Physics

    Appendix A Mathematics Review
    Appendix B Periodic Table of Elements
    Appendix C Atomic and Nuclear Data
    Answers to Stop to Think Questions and Odd-Numbered Problems

  • Randy Knight Author Bio

    Randy Knight taught introductory physics for thirty-two years at Ohio State University and California Polytechnic State University, where he is Professor Emeritus of Physics. Professor Knight received a PhD in physics from the University of California, Berkeley, and was a post-doctoral fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics before joining the faculty at Ohio State University. A growing awareness of the importance of research in physics education led first to Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach and later College Physics: A Strategic Approach. Professor Knight's research interests are in the fields of laser spectroscopy and environmental science. When he's not in front of a computer, you can find Randy hiking, traveling, playing the piano, or spending time with his wife Sally and their five cats.


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