Indiana Miller & Levine Experience Biology

Indiana Miller & Levine Experience Biology® is an integrated, phenomena-based solution customized to the new K-12 Indiana Academic Standards for Science. Its wide array of support resources includes:

  • Differentiated materials for all learning levels
  • Accessible writing style connects with students
  • Instruction rooted in real-world stories
  • Flexible resources on the Savvas Realize® LMS
Discover the best selling Miller & Levine Biology program, a blended high school biology curriculum.

High School Biology Solution with Digital Integration

Indiana Miller & Levine Experience Biology immerses students in phenomena-driven instruction and real-world scientific inquiry.

Discover the best selling Miller & Levine Biology program that immerses students in biology phenomena.

Phenomena-based Biology

Begin lessons with an engaging, real-world phenomenon to spark student interest. Students make sense of the phenomenon across multiple topics as they complete STEM Projects, virtual simulations, hands-on inquiry labs, and more.


Hands-on Biology Activities

By promoting an active learning environment through inquiry-based discovery and real-life problem-solving, students can make predictions, perform experiments, present data, and argue their point, all while learning to think like scientists.


Teacher Support for Three-Dimensional Learning

Point-of-use resources in the Teacher Edition and on the Savvas Realize® digital platform support the shifts in the Prioritized Indiana Academic Standards for Science.


Science Literacy

The Biology Foundations Reading and Study Guide Workbook supports understanding with interactive experiences that reinforce the three-dimensional aspects of learning. In addition, visual literacy activities enable students to label and create models and describe their understanding.

Biology Solutions for Grades 9-12 with Digital Integration

  • Performance-Based Assessments
  • Investigative Phenomena Case Studies
  • Do More Inquiry
  • 3-D Assessment Tasks
  • Reinforce Learning with the Foundations Reading and Study Guide

Performance-Based Assessments

  • Multiple Assessment Types
    Indiana Miller & Levine Experience Biology is rich with assessment types that work in combination to assess three-dimensional learning.
  • Scenario-Based Assessments
    Performance-Based Assessments measure students’ mastery of all three dimensions through scenario-based performance tasks.

Investigative Phenomena Case Studies

  • Case Studies Drive Each Chapter
    Launch every chapter with an intriguing, open-ended scientific problem or question. Look for the orange Case Study Connections label.
  • Storylines Anchor Learning
    Learning connects to the Case Study in activities, figures, and assessment prompts, creating a cohesive storyline. 
  • Students Make Their Case with Scientific Data
    Students gather data, cite evidence, and apply scientific reasoning to develop argument-driven discussions with their peers as they make their case. 

Do More Inquiry

  • Focus on Inquiry
    Throughout each lesson, students are engaged through inquiry labs, STEM activities, simulations, and interactivities.
  • Inquiry Supports Key Science Concepts
    Inquiry activities help students investigate key questions, apply science and engineering practices, and interpret data.
  • Inquiry Labs
    Strengthen inquiry skills as students make models, study local science issues, and complete in-depth experiments.  Customize and edit labs on the Savvas Realize™ digital platform.
  • Interactive Virtual Simulations
    Students manipulate visuals and interactive content to deepen understanding. The simulations feature a variety of options, including digital art, drag and drop, art review, videos, and vocabulary cards. 

3-D Assessment Tasks

  • Scenario-Based Tasks
    Performance-Based Assessments measure students’ mastery of all three dimensions through scenario-based performance tasks.
  • Assessments Prepare Students for Major Exams
    Indiana End-of-Course Assessment Practice prepares students for high-stakes exams. Students interact with phenomena to demonstrate their progress on all three dimensions.
  • Easy Formative Assessments
    “Assess on the Spot” prompts in the Teacher Edition provide quick Formative Assessment opportunities.
  • Customizable Summative Assessments
    Summative Assessments at the end of every chapter include customizable interactive online quizzes and assessments with automatic grading.
  • Solving for Case Studies
    Students “Make Their Case” by constructing arguments, evaluating and working with their peers, and presenting solutions to the chapter case study.
  • Indiana Test Study Support
    Indiana Test Prep workbook provides additional study support for the ILEARN Biology End-of-Course Assessment.
  • Additional Customized Assessments
    ExamView® Assessment Bank provides more opportunities to customize and administer assessments.

Reinforce Learning with the Foundations Reading and Study Guide

  • Available in English and Spanish
    Available in English and Spanish Reading Tools target strategies to support reading comprehension.
  • Visual Reading Tools
    Visual Reading Tools support difficult concepts with interactive visuals and alternative practice opportunities. 
  • Science Vocabulary
    Science Vocabulary boxes put the spotlight on new words and pronunciation to help students learn the language of biology.

Take a deeper look into the features of Miller & Levine Biology

Levine - Ignite Curiosity

Author Joe Levine discusses how the program’s inquiry-based learning meets the Next Generation Science Standards.

Miller - Ignite Curiosity

Author Ken Miller takes a quick tour of the textbook to show what’s new in this curriculum.

Savvas Realize moves learning forward to better serve each student, teacher, and school district in Indiana. 

Savvas Realize - logo

Savvas Realize® brings our award-winning content to life in an exciting digital experience that students love. For teachers and admins, it includes valuable classroom-management tools like auto-rostering, single-sign-on, and available integrations with many top K-12 LMSs.

Preview your week ahead, adjust your daily lesson plans, review student and class progress, build and share lessons with your own content, or easily search for differentiated resources to inspire more “lightbulb” moments for your students. Realize’s single-sign-on platform makes it all easy and manageable. 

Make logging into your Realize dashboard an essential daily activity–just like checking your school email and Google Classroom accounts–to get a clear, organized path to your learning goals.

Discover how Miller & Levine Experience Biology Supports Indiana High School Science Instruction

  • Reading and Study Guide
  • Problem-Based Learning Workbook
  • Miller & Levine Biology Program Overview

Foundations Workbook

Learn about the workbook’s features and ways it can be used to support student development in the classroom.

View Workbook

Digital Explorer’s Journal

The ultimate tool to help students navigate Problem-Based Learning activities. Flip through the pages for a look at the questions students think through and the ways they tie to the textbook.

View a Sample Workbook

Overview Brochure

Take an in-depth look at the teaching philosophy and tools that immerse students in a compelling biology class.

View Program Overview

School Stories

"I have used the Miller & Levine Biology program since it was first introduced with the Elephant book. I have always been impressed with the content and all of the teacher and student support material." – Deborah, Miller & Levine Biology Teacher Houston, TX

Get Inspired

Miller & Levine Experience Biology Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Indiana Miller & Levine Biology and what are the components?

    Indiana Miller & Levine Experience Biology is a next-generation high school biology program that makes biology exciting and relevant to students. Developed by two preeminent biologists and passionate educators, Ken Miller and Joe Levine, this bestselling biology curriculum immerses students in biological inquiry. Students think, investigate, and talk about biology. They interact with natural phenomena through hands-on and virtual-student-inquiry activities, problem-based learning, and lab experiments.

    The program includes:

    Teacher Edition – Available in digital and print, the wrap-around Teacher Edition provides point-of-use instructional strategies to support students as they make sense of the phenomena, answers to activities and assessments, and classroom modifications to adjust instruction based on the diverse student needs, skills, and interests in teachers’ classrooms. 

    Student Edition – Available in print and digital formats, the student edition is known for its engaging student narrative. Ken Miller and Joe Levine’s storytelling writing style captivates students with real-world, relevant content. Visual analogies, virtual interactivities and simulations, and reading checks at point-of-use enhance student understanding of biology concepts. 

    Miller & Levine Experience Biology digital courseware on Savvas Realize provides robust digital tools that give teachers flexibility to use a digital, print, or blended format in their classrooms. Teachers can customize the program to rearrange content, upload their own content, add links to online media, and edit resources and assessments. Program-specific resources, flexible agnostic resources, and assessments are available in one location for easy lesson planning and presentation.

    The Foundations Reading and Study Guide includes interactive experiences that improve science understanding and reinforce the three-dimensional aspect of learning. Practice focuses on key concepts and science literacy to improve students’ understanding of a scientific text. Find concise chapter summaries, written below grade level, with a focus on the Key Questions, vocabulary help, visual tools, and point-of-use reading tools in this student workbook.

    The Explorer’s Journal: Problem Based Learning Workbook is a digital worktext that supports student understanding of problem-based learning projects. Within this interactive journal, students participate in a variety of sensemaking tasks, including STEM Projects, virtual simulations, authentic readings and hands-on labs.

  • Is Miller & Levine Experience Biology available in Spanish?

    Yes, the national edition of Miller & Levine Biologia is available, and the following resources are available in Spanish.

  • How does Indiana Miller & Levine Experience Biology incorporate science phenomena?

    Indiana Miller & Levine Experience Biology immerses students in real-world phenomena. The program drives student learning through a series of investigative phenomenon case studies, hands-on and virtual student experiences, and problem-based learning activities that support their understanding of the phenomenon under study. 

    Problem-Based Learning: Launch every unit with a Problem-Based Learning activity, where learning is anchored in a local, relevant phenomenon. Connect concepts across multiple chapters through STEM projects, authentic readings, and virtual interactivities. Students design and revise their projects throughout the unit in their Digital Explorer’s Journal.

    Case Study Phenomenon: Investigate phenomena with the Chapter Case Studies. Learning connects to the Case Study in labs, activities, and assessment, creating a cohesive storyline throughout the chapter.

    Active Student Experiences: Students build Science & Engineering Skills using hands-on inquiry labs, data analysis, STEM projects, as well as virtual simulations, labs and activities. Easy connections to the three dimensions are found at point of use in the Student and Teacher Editions.

    Performance-Based Assessments: Indiana Miller & Levine Experience Biology is rich with assessment types that work in combination to assess three-dimensional learning. Performance-Based Assessments measure students’ mastery of all three dimensions through scenario-based performance tasks.

  • What differentiation support is available in Indiana Miller & Levine Experience Biology?

    The Indiana Miller & Levine Experience Biology program includes a variety of resources and instructional strategies that help teachers address the diverse student needs, skills, and interests in their classroom. There are several techniques that are found throughout the program, including:

    • Differentiated Instruction suggestions throughout the Teacher Edition provide support for modifying lessons for special needs students, struggling students, less proficient readers, and advanced students.
    • Teaching strategies at point of use support language proficiency and ELD/ELA standards.
    • Reading Checks support close reading and provide a pause point for students to evaluate their own understanding. 
    • Key Questions are introduced in the lesson opener and highlighted throughout to help keep students focused on the main concepts as they read. The Key Questions are revisited in the chapter assessment. 
    • Assess on the Spot: Quick formative assessments in the Teacher Edition allow instructors to assess understanding of key points in the lesson. 
    • DOK levels are noted in the Lesson Review Questions and Chapter Assessment.
    • Visual Learning Strand: Core ideas in each chapter are supported by visual analogies, dynamic photos, illustrations, tables, and graphs.
    • Virtual Interactivities, available at point-of-use in the student eText, require students to manipulate variables to deepen understanding. 
    • The Biology Foundations: Reading and Study Guide Workbook includes interactive experiences that improve science understanding and reinforce the three-dimensional aspect of learning.
  • How do I sign up for an Indiana Miller & Levine Experience Biology demo?
    Click here to sign up for a demo of Indiana Miller & Levine Experience Biology.
  • Ken Miller Author Bio

    Kenneth R. Miller grew up in Rahway, New Jersey, attended the local public schools, and graduated from Rahway High School in 1966. Miller attended Brown University on a scholarship and graduated with honors. He was awarded a National Defense Education Act fellowship for graduate study, and earned his Ph.D. in Biology at the University of Colorado. Miller is professor of Biology at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, where he teaches courses in general biology and cell biology. Miller‘s research specialty is the structure of biological membranes. He has published more than 70 research papers in journals such as "Cell", "Nature", and "Scientific American". He has also written the popular trade books Finding Darwin‘s God and Only a Theory. His honors include the Public Service Award from the American Society for Cell Biology, the Distinguished Service Award from the National Association of Biology Teachers, the AAAS Award for Public Engagement with Science, the Stephen Jay Gould Prize from the Society for the Study of Evolution, and the Laetare Medal from Notre Dame University.

    Miller lives with his wife, Jody, on a small farm in Rehoboth, Massachusetts. He is the father of two daughters, one a wildlife biologist and the other a high-school history teacher. He swims competitively in the masters‘ swimming program and umpires high school and NCAA softball.
  • Joe Levine Author Bio

    Joe Levine earned a B.S. from Tufts University, a Masters from the Boston University Marine Program, and a Ph.D. from Harvard University. His research has been published in scientific journals ranging from Science to Scientific American, and his popular writing has appeared in trade books and in magazines such as Smithsonian and Natural History. He has taught introductory biology, ecology, marine biology, neurobiology, and coral reef biology, and currently teaches Inquiry in Rain Forests, a field-based graduate- level PD course for science teachers, through the Organization for Tropical Studies.

    Following a Macy Fellowship in Science Broadcast Journalism at WGBH-TV, Levine produced science features for National Public Radio’s All Things Considered and Morning Edition, served as advisor to NOVA, and helped launch Discovery Channel’s Discover Magazine. He has served as Science Editor for OMNI-MAX films and for PBS series including Evolution, and as judge for Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival. He has designed exhibit programs for state aquarium projects in Texas, New Jersey, and Florida. Joe has led PD workshops across the United States, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, Indonesia, and Malaysia. In 2016, he served as Outstanding Educator in Residence for Singapore’s Ministry of Education.


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