miVisión Lectura Elementary Spanish Literacy
Deliver unparalleled K-5 Spanish literacy instruction with miVisión Lectura. With both Spanish-only and dual language support, miVisión Lectura provides first class instruction that meets the needs of all learners.
- Daily explicit and systematic foundational skills instruction
- Evidence-based reading and writing instruction
- Authentic and engaging Spanish literature
- Consistent and varied practice opportunities to strengthen skills
Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Instruction Through Explicit Instruction and Authentic Spanish Literature
Strengthen and support strong biliteracy skills.
Daily Foundational Skills
Reading success begins with daily explicit and systematic foundational skills instruction in phonological awareness, phonics, and word study—the basic building blocks of reading.
Vocabulary and Comprehension
A consistent five-day routine in vocabulary and comprehension instruction allows teachers to dive deeply into high-quality literature and make lasting learning connections.
Small Group Instruction
Small group time allows teachers to differentiate and reinforce skills taught in whole group lessons, closing learning gaps.
miVision Lectura provides explicit and systematic instruction in the foundational skills of writing, such as language, handwriting, spelling, and conventions in addition to explicit instruction in writing composition.
K-5 Spanish Language Arts and Literacy Program Highlights
Dual-Language Classroom
Start with a Good Foundation
Purposeful Groups for Student Growth
Dual-Language Classroom
Dual-Language SupportOur unique Dual Language Educators’ Implementation Guide includes planning and pacing charts, routines, empowering activities, and professional articles to support the academic and social emotional needs of today’s classroom.
Proyecto de indagaciónProject-based inquiry. Tackle science and social studies themes in your literacy block while fostering student interest. miVisión selections build background knowledge, so students are equipped to solve a culminating, real-world problem.
LecturaUsing whole group and small group instruction, reading instruction follows a gradual release model that enables you to easily differentiate for all reading abilities.
EscrituraDuring the writing block, student authors participate in daily minilessons where they’re immersed in genres through mentor texts and develop their own writer’s craft.
Start with a Good Foundation
Kindergarten: Unidad de reconocimiento de letrasMeet students where they are and take them to where they need to be.
Step 1: Phonological AwarenessLessons introduce students to the different phonemes within Spanish. As they progress, they learn how to segment, blend, and change those phonemes for different linguistic constructions.
Step 2: PhonicsLessons have a three-part, explicit process: Focus, Model and Practice, and Apply.
Step 3: Quick ChecksActing as both practice and differentiation, the checks help identify students who “get it” and provide options for them to apply their skills.
Purposeful Groups for Student Growth
Grupo para la estratégiaLessons reinforce content taught during whole-group minilessons and can be targeted to student needs.
miEnfoque intervenciónLessons provide Tier 2 support for students beyond whole group or strategy group lessons.
ConferenciarLessons help you individualize instruction during a student conference. Monitor comprehension, develop vocabulary, focus on a reading or writing strategy, and much more.
Award-winning Online Platform for your K-5 Spanish Instruction
Resources, professional learning, multimedia, management tools, and student data are all accessible on Savvas Realize® through a single sign-on.
With rich and engaging content, embedded assessment with instant data, Realize gives you the power to raise interest and achievement for every student.
Discover How miVision Lectura Supports K-5 Spanish Language Instruction
Online Orientation
Classroom Support
It’s an Idea Book!
My Savvas Training
Explore a collection of tutorials and handouts to see how you can implement miVision Lectura in your classroom .
On-Demand Training
The Dual Language Educators’ Implementation Guide
Available in print and digital versions, the implementation guide provides a wealth of resources, including professional development articles, contrastive analysis charts, pacing and planning maps, and more.
Libro interactivo del estudiante
The all-in-one book includes full-color activity pages and selections by award-winning authors and illustrators, plus a place for students to annotate, respond, and generate ideas.
School Stories
In these inspirational stories, you'll learn about what schools and districts from across the country are doing to help students succeed and shape the future of education.
Get Inspired