
The Savvas Insights blog is your go-to virtual space for content created to inspire and inform. Our thought-provoking pieces will keep you up to date on the latest trends, research, and ideas helping to shape the ever-changing K-12 educational landscape.

K-12 Blog for Educators

Featured Articles


Why Older Students Struggle with Reading: Common Skill Deficits and How to Spot Them in the Classroom


Why Is Social Studies Important? How Do We Reclaim Its Place in the Classroom?


Writing Instruction and Its Impact on Writing and Reading in the Secondary Grades: What the Research Says


How to Monitor and Strengthen Your Curriculum Implementation for Lasting Success


Effectively Using Natural Phenomena in Science Instruction


5 Ways to Use AI to Enhance Vocabulary Instruction

Savvas Insights eBooks for K-12 Educators

The articles in our Savvas Insights eBooks are written by educational experts whose goal is to bring you the latest thinking in the world of education.

Summer Learning

Ideas and Strategies to Help Teachers Move Learning Forward This Summer

Savvas Insights eBooks for K-12 Educators

Moving Learning Forward (Multi-Discipline)

Move Learning Forward: Addressing Unfinished Learning in the Classroom after COVID-19

Moving Learning Forward (Literacy)

Move Learning Forward: Addressing Unfinished Learning in the Literacy Classroom after COVID-19

Moving Learning Forward (Math)

Move Learning Forward: Addressing Unfinished Learning in the Mathematics Classroom after COVID-19

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