Stats In Your World, 3rd Edition © 2020

Open up a new view onto the world through the lens of algebra-based statistics. This program, published by Pearson, features a signature problem-solving style that engages students to sharpen statistical skills they can use throughout their lives.

  • Step by step examples help students think about upcoming problems
  • Updates in the exercises and data demonstrate statistics’ current relevance
  • Includes access to StatCrunch®

High School Statistics Program with Digital Integration

Stats In Your World shows students how to gather and interpret data through an innovative three-step process.


“Think, Show, and Tell” Method

Students learn how to approach a question and solve the problem then communicate its meaning in numerous exercises throughout the text.

Deeper Understanding

Many of the stories, articles, and other sources used as examples are listed. Teachers and students can then research them further and gain greater insight into the material.

AP Exam Practice

Multiple-choice and free response questions throughout the course prepare students for success on the AP exam they can take at the end of the year.


TI Tips

Problems and exercises help build confidence using TI-84 Plus CE Statistics functions with the StatWizard operating system, along with TI-Nspire activities.

Stats in Your World Teaching Solutions

  • Support Learning Through Worked Examples and Practice Opportunities
  • Pedagogical Tools Encourage Statistical Thinking and Application
  • MyLab for School Features
  • What Can Go Wrong?
  • Step-by-Step Examples
    Step-by-Step Examples in every chapter emphasize the importance of thinking about a question, calculating results, and reporting findings (Think, Show, Tell). Most of the examples and exercises are based on recent news stories, research articles, and other real-world sources that students can look into further.
  • Added Exercises
    Hundreds of exercises were added and updated to include the most recent data.
  • Do the Math
    Do the Math explanations and practice exercises help students review the arithmetic and algebra skills needed to perform a statistical procedure successfully.
  • Chapter-Ending Study Guides
    What Have We Learned? chapter-ending study guides help students review key concepts and terms.
  • Integrated Simulations
    Almost every chapter uses the new and extensively integrated simulations to introduce a topic, illustrate a point, or assist in analyzing data if traditional methods are insufficient.
  • Margin Pointers
    Margin pointers direct students to explore these interactive applets and develop deeper understanding of key ideas.
  • Learning Catalytics
    Learning Catalytics uses students’ smartphones, tablets, or laptops to engage them in more interactive tasks and thinking during lectures. The real-time analytics help teachers see what students understand and can foster peer-to-peer learning.
  • Statistics Question Library
    The Statistics Question Library contains more than 450 exercises that cover the relevant review topics for a given section. These can be assigned as extra practice or a prerequisite to other assignments.
  • StatCrunch
    StatCrunch is a powerful web-based statistical software that allows users to perform complex analyses, share data sets, and generate compelling reports of data. The vibrant online community offers tens of thousands of shared data sets for students to analyze in addition to those in the text or online homework.
  • Data Exploration
    StatCrunch projects provide opportunities for students to explore data through analyzing a large data set and answering questions that result in immediate feedback.
  • Interactive Applet Modules
    Interactive Applet Modules help students visualize statistical concepts and apply them to real-world situations. Modules introduce students to a concept, walk them through an example, and close by asking them to answer a series of application questions.
  • Enhanced Video Program
    The enhanced video program offers updated Step-by-Step Example videos to guide students through the process of analyzing a problem using the “Think, Show, Tell” strategy from the workbook.
  • Conceptual Question Library
    A Conceptual Question Library of 1000 questions in the Assignment Manager asks students to apply their statistical understanding.
  • Common Errors
    Highlights of the most common errors and misunderstandings about statistics
  • Avoid Pitfalls
    Designed to help students avoid statistical pitfalls
  • Detect Misuses
    Helps to detect and debunk misuses of statistics

Empower Your Math Students with the MyMathLab® Platform from Pearson


MyMathLab® for School from Pearson empowers teachers and students to personalize the learning experience and improve results throughout the class.

Discover How Stats in Your World Supports Introductory Statistics Classes

Web-Based Statistical Software


This complete online stats package complements courses with a wide array of datasets and tools to interpret them. Teachers can turn StatCrunch into in-class demonstrations or homework assignments.

Get a Demo

More About Stats in Your World

  • David E. Bock Author Bio

    David E. Bock taught mathematics at Ithaca High School for 35 years. He has taught Statistics at Ithaca High School, Tompkins-Cortland Community College, Ithaca College, and Cornell University. Dave has won numerous teaching awards, including the MAA’s Edyth May Sliffe Award for Distinguished High School Mathematics Teaching (twice), Cornell University’s Outstanding Educator Award (three times), and has been a finalist for New York State Teacher of the Year.

    Dave holds degrees from the University at Albany in Mathematics (B.A.) and Statistics/Education (M.S.). Dave has been a reader and table leader for the AP® Statistics exam and a Statistics consultant to the College Board, leading workshops and institutes for AP Statistics teachers. His understanding of how students learn informs much of this book’s approach.

  • William B. Craine III Author Bio

    William B. Craine III, is a mathematics teacher at Lansing High School in upstate New York. He has had the pleasure of teaching AP Statistics since 1999. Bill holds degrees in Mathematics/Education from the State University of New York at Oswego (B.S.) and State University of New York at Cortland (M.S.), and a Master of Science Degree in Applied Statistics from the Rochester Institute of Technology. He is the author of numerous ancillary materials to accompany textbooks by Bock, Velleman, and De Veaux.

    When not teaching and writing, Bill enjoys hiking with his wife Allie and their dog Prim, completing minor home improvement projects, and playing video games. He lives in Ithaca, NY.

  • Thomas J. Mariano Author Bio
    Thomas J. Mariano has 15 years of experience teaching mathematics and computer science at the secondary level. For the last 14 years, he has supported instruction and data analysis for the 17 schools of the Greece Central School District in Rochester, NY in the roles of Director K-12 Mathematics and Response to Intervention, middle school principal, and Executive Director of Strategic Initiatives and Instructional Technology. Tom has completed a B.A. in Mathematics from Houghton College, an M.S. in Curriculum and Instruction from SUNY Oswego, graduate work at the University of Rochester and holds New York State School District and Building Administration Certificates. Tom enjoys teaching adults and children at his church, long walks with his wife, and trying to keep up with his two adult sons and high-school aged daughter.
  • Paul F. Velleman Author Bio

    Paul F. Velleman has an international reputation for innovative Statistics education. He is the author and designer of the multimedia Statistics program ActivStats, for which he was awarded the EDUCOM Medal for innovative uses of computers in teaching Statistics and the ICTCM Award for Innovation in Using Technology in College Mathematics. He also developed the award-winning Statistics program Data Desk and the Internet site Data and Story Library (DASL) (, which provides data sets for teaching Statistics. Paul’s understanding of using and teaching with technology informs much of this book’s approach.

    Paul taught Statistics at Cornell University in the Department of Statistical Sciences, for which he was awarded the MacIntyre Prize for Exemplary Teaching. He holds an A.B. from Dartmouth College in Mathematics and Social Science, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Statistics from Princeton University, where he studied with John Tukey.

  • Richard D. De Veaux Author Bio

    Richard D. De Veaux is an internationally known educator and consultant. He has taught at the Wharton School and the Princeton University School of Engineering, where he won a Lifetime Award for Dedication and Excellence in Teaching. Since 1994, he has taught at Williams College. Dick has won both the Wilcoxon and Shewell awards from the American Society for Quality. He is an elected member of the International Statistics Institute (ISI) and a fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA). Dick is also well known in industry, where for more than 25 years he has consulted for such Fortune 500 companies as American Express, Hewlett-Packard, Alcoa, DuPont, Pillsbury, General Electric, and Chemical Bank. Because he consulted with Mickey Hart on his book Planet Drum, he has also sometimes been called the “Official Statistician for the Grateful Dead.” His real-world experiences and anecdotes illustrate many of this book’s chapters.

    Dick holds degrees from Princeton University in Civil Engineering (B.S.E.) and Mathematics (A.B.) and from Stanford University in Dance Education (M.A.) and Statistics (Ph.D.), where he studied dance with Inga Weiss and Statistics with Persi Diaconis.

  • Table of Contents

    Part I Exploring and Understanding Data

    1. Stats Starts Here
    2. Telling the stories of Categorical Data
    3. Exploring Quantitative Data
    4. Telling the stories Quantitative Data Tell
    5. Under Normal Circumstances 

    Part II Exploring Relationships Between Variables

    1. A Tale of Two Variables
    2. Line Up!
    3. Ahead of the Curve

    Part III Gathering Data

    1. Samples
    2. Observational Studies and Experiments
    3. Using Randomness

    Part IV Randomness and Probability

    1. Let Me Count the Ways
    2. What Are the Chances?
    3. Probability Rules!
    4. Probability Models

    Part V From the Data at Hand to the World at Large

    1. Confidence Intervals for a Proportion
    2. Surprised? Testing Hypotheses About Proportions
    3. Inferences About a Mean
    4. Comparing Proportions or Means
    5. Comparing Counts


    • A. Selected Formulas
    • B. Guide to Statistical Software
    • C. Answers
    • D. Photo Acknowledgements
    • E. Index
    • F. Tables

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